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Data is KING!

Why is data so important?

Central to Visual Outcomes is data management. We provide users with as much real time healthcare data as possible from the natural meaningful flow, offering quality displays and reports. This gives power to make good decisions, whether a clinical, administrative, or business stakeholder. Data is the only thing you should listen to!

Data is KING:

  • Enterprise reporting facilities
  • VO Analyzer for non-SQL users
  • Have all the data at your fingertips
  • Get ready to grow your healthcare business
  • Real time data analysis/review cycles of R&D
  • Stakeholder emailed-report set-ups
  • Set up team goals/create dashboards
  • Work towards your future with Visual Outcomes

Visual Outcomes data is of integrity across all reporting, the system offers many built in statistics and reports. All the output of these reports can be exported to a choice of accounting package.

Financial records and client transaction history are focussed around a client; tools embedded in Visual Outcomes follow the audit trail of transactions and financial recordings.

Financial management tools are secured at the clinic configuration. These tools are made available to security level roles at the discretion of personnel with CEO Admin rights in the system.

Visual Outcomes is not an accounting package. However, it has financial data of integrity.

Detailed Business Reports and Accounting Data Analytics are very much a focus for our team; expertise that continues to serve our customer organizations in these areas.

Gain insights from your data with key performance metrics around staffing and productivity, clinician participation, client or patient engagement in programs offered, and overall cost-effectiveness of the clinic.