Active Roster



FeatureFeature DescriptionStandard Feature = SEnterprise Option = E
User-specific Dashboards/ Activity Centre  Dashboard like summary tool with a quick way to review today's activities.SE
Booking Scheduler/ Appointment CalendarVisual Outcomes Appointment Calendar is the primary tool for managing clients who are attending appointments or classes.SE
Clinic work shift management /RosterAn important tool used to quickly configure open and closed hours for Clinic, Practitioner and Services.SE
Easy Banking management/ Banking WizardClinic assigns bank accounts for the banking transactions.  All reconciliation operations are done through the Banking Wizard.SE
Configurable clinical flows/ ClinicalClinical notes - Recording is done with the use of surfaces and symbols for this data to be entered and easily mined for analysis, research, and reports.SE

Standard package

Interactive Clinical Note - SOAP format allowing to record general examination and treatment notes
Standard health intake form - general client information intake form 
Client Centric Outcome measures questionnaire - quality of life measurement tool
General consent to procedures - client consenting to 1 modality procedures
Image Manager - store and view client X-rays and other treatment related images

Enterprise package

3-5 interactive clinical notes for each modality
5-10 client centric outcome measures questionnaires or problem specific questionnaires
Set of consents for each modality


GP, MD specific package

AUS - integrated MIMS medication prescribing
USA - integrated Rcopia/e-prescribing
Pathology and radiology requests
Secure messaging
Integrated HealthLink referrals suit

Varied Fees management/ Pricing WizardPrices can be standard for all Clinics and Practitioners or may be assigned differently in required.SE
Automated invoice management/ Invoice ManagerAn invoice is generated either automatically from an appointment or manually, with new items addedSE
Client specific documents (filing cabinet)/ Document ManagerLocation of all the Client Documents filed and viewable within categoriesSE
Simple Document Creation/ Template ManagerEnables clinic users to manager documents within your practice without any external software, providing a fully integrated report/document creation systemSE
Quick Document editor/ Fast Doc WriterDocument creation tool, similar to MS Word allowing for the speedy construction of reports and referral letters. Client information is accessible for input by simply clicking on the desired data point.SE
Inventory ManagementVisual Outcomes has comprehensive Inventory Management for Clinics selling stock (supplements, vitamins, herbs and other therapeutic supplies).
User Role Security Management/ Security WizardDedicated to set up and make changes in application security for all personnel.
All Payment Models served/ External PayersVisual Outcomes allows for payers that are not clients to pay for their services/needs.  It can be and insurer, and employer or any third party.SE
Integrated HICAPS and Easy ClaimInstant health fund refund and medicare easy claim via HICAPS terminal

Medical billing claimsAUS - integrated Medicare Bulk Bill, Patient Claims, DVA payments
USA - electronic billing

Multi-Disciplinary Team approachMany different modalities under one database
Multi-Location Team approachMany different locations or businesses under one database

Online Clinic Access /Secure Portal/ VOiSite Web Portal

Client Access:

View list of existing appointments
Arrive appointment in clinic
Complete and change demographic details
Complete and change standart intake form
Consent online
View and print paid services
View unpaid services
Read and respond to messages from clinic's reception
View list of prescribed medications and supplements
Send clinic information by attaching electronic files

Practitioner Access:

View list of appointments by date
Create new appointment
Create new client
View rostered hours

Client Access:

Appointments bookings and management online
Join classes (groups sessions) in clinic and online
Online payments
Access to health information (pathology results, recommendations, treatment plans)


Practitioner Access:

Clinical notes recording online
Medication and supplements prescribing online
Pathology and radiology requests online
Telehealth individual and group sessions

New Client bookings directly from the web/ Online Bookings

New client booking mode

Prospective client creates booking with practitioner saved directly in VO application appointment calendar.

Prospective client booking mode

Prospective client sends request to the clinic to create appointment with selected practitioner
Payment Bulk Management/ Population Pre-PaymentsLump sum prepaid by organization managed to accommodate payment for multiple clients receiving health services.  Corporate health management
Corporate Payment Case Management/ Claim EventsAUS Corporate health management.  Tracking worker compensation and insurance cases

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