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Enterprise Clinic

Visual Outcomes is a single enterprise platform. There is a natural data flow within the platform as "one single database" that supports the needs of Enterprise Healthcare Business like no other one software. 

The integrity of data across the Visual Outcomes clinic being served is invaluable. The data offers an integrity as it is collected in structured methods that do not require human interpretation or a third party software trawling the text boxes for meaningful notes/common words. 

When a healthcare business is planning to take their business to a level of accounting required for an intial public offering (IPO) Visual Outcomed is the only healthcare platfrom that can manage that level of data collection and reporting.

As one unified single database platform it also offers the business owner "real time" data at their fingertips.

With the VO enterprise business services (EBS) engaged a customer clinic organization can request full business analytics as dashboard management for all the specific  requirements of the various stakeholders of a healthcare business enterprise

The Visual Outcomes EBS (Enterprise Business Service) team can bring much experience to support your Enterprise Healthcare Business vision.

, Visual Outcomes helps you make reliable data-driven decisions, whilst tracking value based care and showing better health outcomes and even excited and active patient engagement and loyal client relationships.  

With additional reporting, statistics, communications, invoicing, billings and much more as management tools, the  information you need is within the Visual Outcomes platform for you to make those tougher decisions as to the direction of growth in the business.

The primary healthcare industry is experiencing rapid changes caused by numerous pressures including likely changes to the current payment system and other new funding models. There is a rapid shift to patient centric multi-disciplinary health plans for patients to be involved and see the improvement in their own health outcomes. And there is a drive to provide health care remotely - using the latest technology, wherever possible for more cost-effective and patient centric care. Finally, there is a consolidation of smaller and practitioners working in individual clinics to be part of large clinic groups for office and care team efficiencies.

As a clinic owner supported by Visual Outcomes you will want to grow the business; that is why you decide to take on the Visual Outcomes platfrom - really like having a new staff member; not just a practice software. Visual Outcomes is built for great business development and vision planning.

 Visual Outcomes offers great Features  that will sustain the vision of growth and review progress as required. 

Through the reliable availability of data across Multi Clinics and Multi Practitioners and all the clinic operations, Visual Outcomes  is able to also  reduce risks and increase efficiencies in the business planning.

  • Improved information flow and communications among departments and doctors, providing for timely and accurate patient care

  • Audit reporting of who did what when as automated reports to interested stakeholder users of Visual Outcomes

  • Enhanced operational efficiency for administrative staff, support personnel and physicians

  • Integration of real-time data in clinical systems and multidirectional data flow

  • Reduced operational costs

  • Improved decision-making capabilities for patient care and resource management

Overall, Enterprise Healthcare Business is increasing as software delivers the tools that can be used by organizations to sharpen their focus on their primary mission: providing clients with the right care at the right time and with the right profitability.

Take on the Visual Outcomes platform if you have plans to grow an 'Enterprise' healthcare clinic. This just means that you want to be ready to grow and sustain your business and clinical model with a vision of success at many levels. 

Please contact us and let us show you what we have available.