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How does this tree Represent Visual Outcomes. . .  How we bring data, clinic and clients together for a Healthy World.

One Unified Database.  From the roots to the leaves, you have everything you need to be strong

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VOiSite, represents the Data received by the Client, Clinician and Clinic via the Web.

VO_Main, represents the Data received by the Client, Clinician and Clinic via the Application.


VO_Main, accessed via PC/Workstation is the strength of the tree.  Data Is KING.. 


Database Data Engine gathering information from the Cloud, makes building Reports and Statistics easy and comprehensive.  Research, Marketing, Business needs: Visual Outcomes allows the Client Clinician and Clinic to produce a healthy relationship and grow your business with the information at your fingertips.

With Research, Marketing and Business feeding the Data Engine for Analysis feeding Visual Outcomes "Trunk". And through the trunk it branches to the client, clinician, clinic; Our main focus.  At the very top and most important, you have the online clinic client clinician portal; making our world healthy for all.